2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Refund of Tuition

A student’s status is determined to be either full-time or part-time based on the number of credits for which they are enrolled at the end of the add-drop period and are charged in accordance with the Tuition and Fees schedule.

100% Refund First week of classes
75% Refund Second week of classes
50% Refund Third week of classes
0% Refund Fourth week of classes and thereafter

A schedule of the refund dates and refund percentages can be found on the Academic Calendar at http://www.kean.edu/offices/registrar/academic-calendar.

Graduate matriculated students carrying 9 or more credits are considered full-time. Graduate matriculated full-time students will qualify for a refund only in the event they drop down to part-time status (less than 9 credits). Then, the refund will be the difference between the full-time flat rate and the part-time rate for the number of credits remaining based on the above percentages. Thereafter, the refund will be calculated on an individual course basis based on the above percentages. Part-time graduate students qualify for a refund on an individual course basis through the refund period.

Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal. Students are academically and financially responsible to see that correct withdrawal procedures are completed on time. Refund of tuition and fees will not be made if a student fails to properly with-draw from classes during the refund period.