By completing course requirements students will understand the marketing principles, strategies, and tactics associated with each of the five major Internet marketing models: (1) Business-to- consumer web marketing that stresses direct sales to the consumer(e.g. (2) Consumer-to- business web marketing that aggregates consumer demand to bid down the prices of consumer goods (e.g. Price-Line); (3) Business-to-business web marketing that focuses on implementing exchanges, auctions, and e-procurement solutions among firms (e.g. Ariba), (4) Consumer-to-comsumer web market- ing that facilitates direct exchanges and inter- actions among consumers (e.g. E-bid); and (5) Business-to-emloyee web marketing that creates internal intranet platforms for communication and collaboration among employees (e.g. Novell) Prerequisite: Admission to the MSMIS. CAT.NO FORMERLY MGS 5450 - REPLACES IT AS OF 04/SP