Physical Therapist Assistant, Associate of Applied Science

Graduates will demonstrate competent entry-level PT interventions, working under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist.a) Within the context of patient care, distinguish between the role of the physical therapist and the role of the physical therapist assistant. Demonstrated by examinations, practicals and clinical rotations.b) Under the direction of a physical therapist, implement safe and effective physical therapy interventions based on the PT plan of care. Demonstrated through practical exams and clinical rotations.c) Under the direction of a physical therapist, perform entry-level interventions following standards of ethical practice. Demonstrated during clinical experiences.

Graduates will show respect for diverse human life and advocate for physical therapy care that works to restore optimal human dignity and function. a) Effectively communicate with other health care providers, patients, and families about selected treatment procedures and functional activities. Demonstrated in the didactic and clinical components of the program.b) Provide and document patient/client care in a respectful and culturally sensitive manner to all individuals. Demonstrated in lab scenarios and clinical experiences.c) Exhibit good moral and ethical judgment in health care practice and uphold confidentiality of all persons at all times. Demonstrated in lab scenarios and clinical experiences.

Graduates will be lifelong learners and continually pursue developmental opportunities within the physical therapy profession. a) Provide education to peers, patients/clients, and others through professional organization, employment, and other avenues of collaboration.

Major Code: 4420A

Pre-Admission Program Requirements

ALLH 101Medical Terminology

2 Credits

BIOL 227Human Anatomy & Physiology 1*

4 Credits

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits


Fall Semester Freshman Year

PTAE 101Physical Therapy In Health Care*

2 Credits

PTAE 107Kinesiology*

2 Credits

PTAE 107LKinesiology Lab*

2 Credits

PTAE 110Principles & Procedures of PT*

1 credits

PTAE 110LPrinciples and Procedures of PT Lab*

2 Credits

PTAE 211Data Collection*

3 Credits

BIOL 228Human Anatomy & Physiology 2*

4 Credits


*Prerequisite or Corequisite required

Spring Semester Freshman Year

PTAE 207Therapeutic Exercise*

4 Credits

PTAE 208Orthopedic Rehabilitation*

4 Credits

PTAE 217Neurological Rehabilitation*

4 Credits


Fall Semester Sophomore Year

PSYC 101Introduction to Psychology

3 Credits

PTAE 113Clinical Pathology *

2 Credits

PTAE 204Therapeutic Modalities*

3 Credits

PTAE 240Clinical Experience 1*

7 Credits


Spring Semester Sophomore Year

COMM 101Fundamentals of Oral Communication

3 Credits

PTAE 215Special Populations*

3 Credits

PTAE 221Seminar*

2 Credits

PTAE 241Clinical Experience 2*

7 Credits


Total Credit Hours Required for this Major: 70