Anthropology, Associate of Arts

Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical and conceptual frameworks of Anthropology.

Develop an understanding of self and the world by examining the dynamic interaction of individuals, groups, and societies as they shape and are shaped by history, culture, institutions, and ideas.

Utilizing discipline specific approaches, such as research methods, inquiry, or problem-solving, to examine the variety of perspectives about human experiences.

Evaluate how reasoning, history, or culture informs and guides individual, civic, or global decisions.

Understand and appreciate similarities and differences among and between individuals, cultures, or societies across space and time.

Major Code: 2100R

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor

Fall Semester Freshman Year

COMM 209Critical Thinking and Argumentation

3 Credits

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

GNED 101Introduction to General Education

3 Credits

HIST 101World History I

3 Credits

ANTH 102Cultural Anthropology

3 Credits


Spring Semester Freshman Year

ENGL 102Writing and Rhetoric II*

3 Credits

GEOG 102Cultural Geography

3 Credits

SCIG GEAny Gen. Ed. Science Course

4 Credits

WELL GEAny Gen. Ed. Wellness Elective

2 Credits

ANTH 104Introduction to Biological Anthropology

3 Credits


Fall Semester Sophomore Year

ANTH 103Introduction to Archaeology

3 Credits

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits

College Level Elective Courses

3 Credits

ENGL 215Survey of World Mythology*

3 Credits

SCIG GEAny Gen. Ed. Science Course

3-4 Credits


Science courses must be from 2 different disciplines.

Spring Semester Sophomore Year

ANTH 238Native Peoples of North America

3 Credits


ANTH 105Cultural Resource Management

3 credits

College level Elective Courses

5-6 Credits

PHIL 103Introduction to Ethics

3 Credits

GEOG 202World Regional Geography

3 credits


Humanities courses must be from 2 different disciplines.

*Prerequisite or Corequisite required

Total Credit Hours Required for this Major: 60-61