FREN 101 Elementary French 1
This course is an introduction to French, emphasizing oral communication, listening, and writing skills. Students learn basic structures in a structured environment; they practice idioms and situational vocabulary used in conversations. The course is also an introduction to French culture.
General Education Competency
GEM Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing
FREN 101Elementary French 1
Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.
I. General Information
English, Languages, and Philosophy
II. Course Specification
Course Type
General Education
General Education Competency
GEM Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing
Credit Hours Narrative
4 Credits
Semester Contact Hours Lecture
Grading Method
Letter grade
III. Catalog Course Description
This course is an introduction to French, emphasizing oral communication, listening, and writing skills. Students learn basic structures in a structured environment; they practice idioms and situational vocabulary used in conversations. The course is also an introduction to French culture.
IV. Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Initiate and sustain conversations in which they ask and answer questions, give and receive directions, introduce themselves, and report observations and information at a level appropriate to their language exposure and experience.
- Demonstrate creativity in choosing alternative methods (i.e., vocabulary, pantomime, or drawing) in social and/or professional situations where their communication skills have not been effective.
- Integrate various culturally appropriate behaviors into their conversations.
- Attain a conversational level of Mid-Novice (based on ACTFL standards).
- Assignments vary and reflect instructional methods designed to assist students to reach the course objectives.
V. Topical Outline (Course Content)
In French 101 students will:
Initiate and sustain conversations in which they ask and answer questions, give and receive directions, introduce themselves, and report observations and information at a level appropriate to their language exposure and experience.
Demonstrate creativity in choosing alternative methods (i.e., vocabulary, pantomime, or drawing) in social and/or professional situations where their communication skills have not been effective.
Integrate various culturally appropriate behaviors into their conversations.
Attain a conversational level of Mid-Novice (based on ACTFL standards).
Assignments vary and reflect instructional methods designed to assist students to reach the course objectives.
Specifically, students will
Introduce themselves to another person,
Ask and answer appropriate questions in both formal and informal settings
Use social niceties and greetings for morning, afternoon and night.
Ask and answer questions, including yes/no and interrogatives about the following: identifications and descriptions of the following:
Your and other people’s personalities
Classes and places at a college, houses, bedrooms, yards
People, family members and relationships
Health, emotional condition, and location
Items in a classroom
Common places in a city where people go for entertainment or basic purchases
Offices, services or classes in a college
Hour, day, date, months, seasons and other time-related concepts
Understand quantities using both numbers and words indicating "any," "some,"and "none" and "there is", "there are" using "il y a"
Discuss weather using the irregular verb faire and other weather verbs
Discuss how frequently people do activities
Discuss equalities and inequalities, descriptive and qualitative
Discuss basic activities people do using simple verb forms
Understand and use the three basic regular verb forms
Understand and use verbs with stem changes
Use compound verb constructions to describe activities that people want, prefer, need or are able to do, will do, or are in the process of doing
Understand the idea of possession with possessive adjectives and phrases
Read, hear and understand sentences which express likes and dislikes
Respond to a classroom command with the appropriate action
Discuss your and others’ daily routine using reflexive and reciprocal actions
Shop and describe clothing
Avoid redundancy by using direct object pronouns
Give and understand a formal command
Use and understand interrogatives
VI. Delivery Methodologies
Required Assignments
Text, Lessons 1 A through 5 B
Workbook and lab manuals for each lesson
Site work on site for each lesson
Required Exams
Lesson quizzes, mid-term and final
Workbook, lab manual and site work, aka homework
Required Text
Text: Espaces, Edition 3, by Mitschke and Tano, Vista Higher Learning, 2015, and ancillary materials - Espaces Workbook/Video Manual and Lab Manual. Your Supersite access is located in your new text. If you acquired a used text you will need to purchase your code at You will redeem your code and enroll in my course on-line in order to appear on my roster.
Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements
Text, Lessons 1 A through 5 B
Workbook and lab manuals for each lesson
Site work on site for each lesson
Lesson quizzes, mid-term and final
Workbook, lab manual and site work, aka homework