ENGL 019 Grammar in Academic English
This is the first of two courses focused on helping non-native speakers develop a better understanding of English grammar in an academic context. Students will improve their accuracy in using English grammar through analysis and practice. Grammatical structures reviewed in this course include: parts of speech and sentences; word order in sentences; conjunctions; simple, progressive and perfect verbs in present, past and future tenses; subject-verb agreement; time clauses; gerunds and infinitives; modal verbs; count and noncount nouns; articles, determiners and quantifiers; pronouns; participial adjectives; adverbs.
Limited to non-native speakers of English.
ENGL 019Grammar in Academic English
Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.
I. General Information
English, Languages, and Philosophy
II. Course Specification
Credit Hours Narrative
3 Credits
Semester Contact Hours Lecture
Semester Contact Hours Lab
Semester Contact Hours Clinical
Notes and Advisories (only if included in catalog)
Limited to non-native speakers of English.
Grading Method
Letter grade
Credit Hours Maximum, if repeatable
III. Catalog Course Description
This is the first of two courses focused on helping non-native speakers develop a better understanding of English grammar in an academic context. Students will improve their accuracy in using English grammar through analysis and practice. Grammatical structures reviewed in this course include: parts of speech and sentences; word order in sentences; conjunctions; simple, progressive and perfect verbs in present, past and future tenses; subject-verb agreement; time clauses; gerunds and infinitives; modal verbs; count and noncount nouns; articles, determiners and quantifiers; pronouns; participial adjectives; adverbs.
IV. Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Recognize the basic parts of speech, parts of sentences, and use standard word order for statements, negatives, and questions.
- Recognize, understand, and use with increasing accuracy elements of standard spoken English
- Use a dictionary and grammar reference to answer their own questions and correct their own errors in language use.
V. Topical Outline (Course Content)
The sentence and its parts:
Parts of speech: Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions
Parts of sentences: Subjects, verbs and objects
Standard word order in statements, negative statements, yes/no and wh-questions
Coordinating conjunctions ("for," "and," "nor," "but," "or," "yet," "so")
Some subordinating conjunctions (e.g., "because")
Some conjunctive adverbs (e.g., "however," "therefore")
Simple and progressive aspect in present, past and future tenses
Constructions with "be" ("be" + noun or adjective, "There" + "be")
Other linking verbs
Subject-verb agreement
Time clauses in present, past and future tenses
Perfect aspect in present and past tenses
Verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives
Some modal verbs
Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs:
Count and non-count nouns
Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives
Meaning and use of past and present participles as adjectives
Articles, determiners, and quantifiers
Frequency and other adverbs
Dictionary and Grammar Reference
Understanding the different types of information in a dictionary entry
Locating and using information from a grammar reference
VI. Delivery Methodologies
Required Exams
1. Regular quizzes and/or tests will be given to assess student progress and to prepare students for format of midterm and final exam.
2. A cumulative midterm and final exam will be given.
Required Text
1. Textbook determined by instructor.
Required Materials
A monolingual English dictionary appropriate for non-native speakers (either paper or online)
Grammar reference appropriate for non-native speakers (the textbook, another book, or online materials may serve as the grammar reference)
Required Activities
Daily and weekly activities that give students an opportunity to discuss and analyze English grammar in authentic academic contexts, practice and receive corrective feedback on structures studied, and evaluate and improve their own accuracy in spoken and written English.
Assessment Strategy Narrative
A pre-test and post-test on the grammatical structures covered will be given. The final exam may function as the post-test.
Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements
n/a 1. Regular quizzes and/or tests will be given to assess student progress and to prepare students for format of midterm and final exam.
2. A cumulative midterm and final exam will be given. 1. Daily and weekly activities that give students an opportunity to discuss and analyze English grammar in authentic academic contexts, practice and receive corrective feedback on structures studied, and evaluate and improve their own accuracy in spoken and written English.