2020-2021 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

SSCI 415 Social Studies Methods at the Secondary Level

Concepts, methods, and materials for teaching social studies in the secondary school. Emphasis on the use of documents, learning styles, process skills, and the interdisciplinary nature of social studies. Field experience required.  In accordance with CT law, districts may require criminal background and/or DCF child abuse and neglect registry checks to participate in the field experiences in this class.  Students are required to follow the background check policies of the district in which they are placed and are responsible for all associated fees.  CCSU is not responsible for district policies. 




Admission into the Professional Program of teacher education for History/Social Studies, EDTE 316, and either SPED 315 or SPED 501.Must be taken concurrently with EDSC 425 and either RDG 440 or RDG 506.