2014-2015 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Communication M.S.

Program Rationale:

Graduate study in communication is designed to provide students with academic experiences that enable them to evaluate, develop, shape, and change the communication environment within organizations (organizational communication), as well as between organizations and their target audiences (public relations), using traditional and contemporary media technologies.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Students will be expected to:

  • understand communication processes, internal and external, of an organization;
  • demonstrate the ability to write appropriately in both academic and professional settings;
  • employ research methods in the diagnosis of communication problems within organizations and between organizations and their target audiences, including those resulting from intercultural differences;
  • apply problem-solving, decision-making, and negotiation strategies in complex relational situations within organizations;
  • examine the use and impact of information, communication, and new media technologies in the design and evaluation of public relations, strategic communication campaigns, and other organizational applications; and
  • develop and practice sound and ethical reasoning.

Admission Requirements:

Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.

Applicants seeking admission to the M.S. in Communication program must present an undergraduate average of B (3.00). Students with an undergraduate GPA of 2.70 through 2.99, or who have been out of school for five years and possess significant professional experience, may apply to be considered for conditional acceptance. Students who meet the above requirements should submit an Application for Graduate Admission, official transcripts, and an application fee directly to the Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Office.

Additional Materials Required:

Applicants must submit a current resume, a writing sample comprised of 500 to 1,000 words which expresses their goals for graduate study and future professional aspirations, and names and contact information (including e-mail addresses) of three references. These documents must be sent directly to the chair of the Department of Communication. No action will be taken until all of the above materials have been received.

Contact: 860-832-2690

Course and Capstone Requirements

The program comprises two sections, a 15-credit core of foundational courses and 18 credits of advisor-approved directed electives. A capstone experience consisting of Plan A (6-credit Thesis) or Plan B (Comprehensive Examination) or Plan C (Special Project) is required for graduation.

Core Courses

COMM 500Introduction to Graduate Studies in Communication


COMM 501Theories of Human Communication within an Organizational Context


COMM 503Research Methods in Communication


COMM 505Persuasive Communication



COMM 504Organizational Communication Audits



COMM 507Campaign Planning and Evaluation


Total Credit Hours:15

Directed Electives

Total Credit Hours:12-18


Students will select from the following courses approved by the faculty advisor. A planned program of study should be completed no later than 6 credits into the student's program. The student may specialize in either track or may select courses from both tracks. To specialize in a particular track, at least 3 courses must be selected from that particular track.

Organizational Communication Track

COMM 450Communication Skills for Training and Development


COMM 504Organizational Communication Audits


COMM 522Corporate Communication


COMM 551Policy Issues in Organizational Communication


COMM 562Communication and High-Speed Management


Public Relations Track

COMM 451Environmental Communication


COMM 454Communication and Social Change


COMM 506Case Studies in Public Relations


COMM 507Campaign Planning and Evaluation


COMM 508Public Relations Writing Strategies


General Electives

COMM 543Intercultural Communication


COMM 544

COMM 585Special Topics


COMM 590Independent Study

1 TO 3

Outside Courses

TM 464Six Sigma Quality


TM 500Product Life Cycle Management


TM 502Human Relations and Behavior in Complex Organizations


TM 564Quality Systems Management


STAT 453Applied Statistical Inference



Total Credit Hours:0-6

Plan A:

COMM 590Independent Study

1 TO 3


COMM 599Thesis



Plan B:

Comprehensive Examination


Plan C:

COMM 597Special Project


Total Credit Hours: 33

To complete degree requirements, students have the option of a thesis (Plan A) or a comprehensive examination (Plan B) comprised of a written exam followed by an oral exam or a Special Project (Plan C). Programs will be designed jointly by the departmental advisors and the students to provide the greatest educational and career opportunities.