AM6807 AOM Clinic 6

Clinical training progresses through 14 clinical rotations for MAc students and 16 clinical rotations for MAcCHM students. Internship starts in the spring quarter of the second year of the program and continues through the remainder of the program. Training occurs at Bastyr Center for Natural Health as well as off-site facilities including hospitals and community clinics that serve special care and seriously ill patients. Under the supervision of faculty who are licensed acupuncturists, students apply Eastern and Western diagnostic and treatment procedures in evaluating and clinically treating patients. Case management includes formation of a working diagnosis, treatment planning, continuity of care, referral, collaboration with other health care providers, follow-up care, final review, and functional outcome measurements. An increasing level of independence is expected of student clinicians as they approach graduation. During AOM Clinic 1-6, students are closely supervised by clinical faculty who are involved in every aspect of contact with the patient.



