Special Topics Courses

Special Topics courses may be offered by any academic department/program with the approval of the associate dean responsible for that Area and the chairperson of the Academic Affairs Committee. The associate dean, at the time of signing by the Academic Affairs Committee, shall forward an informational copy of the Special Topics course to the vice president of academic affairs.

Special Topics courses are usually initiated by faculty or assistant/associate deans and are created for more than five (5) students. Special Topics courses are regular semester college courses and may be from one to four credits. Classes meet on a regular schedule.

Dates for submission of Special Topics proposals to the Academic Affairs Committee will follow the schedule established by the office of the vice president and dean of academic affairs. Approval for Special Topics courses may be granted FOUR times by the chairperson of the Academic Affairs Committee. If the proposer expects to offer the course for more than THREE separate semesters, a formal course proposal should be submitted to the Academic Affairs Committee at the same time as the THIRD request for a Special Topics approval. Both proposals will be considered for approval in order that the course may be offered until the Academic Affairs Committee and president have acted upon the formal course proposal.