MRD 7920 Practicum in Reading

This practicum is a six hour course and is designed to prepare candidates for reading specialist and reading coach/mentor responsibilities. Candidates will complete activities to prepare them to professionally journey beyond the classroom. The course includes further application/design of assessment programs and correction strategies for K-12 students, self evaluation of the candidate’s teaching of reading effectiveness, observation and peer conferencing of other Language Arts teachers, and interviews of school based and district level reading personnel. The student needs to define roles and responsibilities, research and prepare a reading curriculum for the candidate’s school, research and write parent involvement strategies for K-12 students, prepare multi-ethnic and multicultural school based programs, write a state/organizational grant and explore/discuss simulations of activities/problems encountered serving as a reading specialist/resource person. The student will also mentor pre-service teachers. This course can not be taken with other courses.




MED 7705, MRD 7801, MRD 7802, MRD 7803, MRD 7804, (MRD 7805 and MRD 7921) OR MRD 7815, MRD 7903 (or MRD 7901 and MRD 7902)with a minimum grade of B (3.0)