MEC 7213 College & Career Readiness K-12

The purpose of this course is to enable candidates to understand, apply, and formulate programs as they apply to postsecondary planning and career readiness. Candidates will develop an understanding of the role of the school counselor, especially as this relates to developing a college-going and career readiness culture for all students, particularly students in poverty or facing other barriers to postsecondary planning. This course includes a focus on engaging students in early career awareness, planning, and making informed postsecondary choices crossing the spectrum of K-12 and using the ASCA National Model as a framework. Candidates will learn about the usefulness of data to guide academic planning, and the steps involved for transitioning students from elementary school to middle school to high school, and then to postsecondary training and college. This course also includes topics that relate to postsecondary planning, including NCAA eligibility criteria, financial literacy, financial aid, career selection, NOSCA 8 Components of College & Career Readiness, completing FAFSA’s, and the college admissions process.




College Level= Graduate AND MED 6102