Course Catalog

DPT 742 Health Promotion, Wellness, and Advocacy

DPT 742 is designed to provide students with an overview of health promotion issues across the continuum from the individual to the community to the global stage. Beginning with an emphasis on the fundamental role of the physical therapist within the continuum, the course focuses on the leading health indicators and domains that have the greatest influence on the health of individuals and communities. A variety of theoretical frameworks will be explored to provide the foundation for developing strategies to identify current health information and promotion issues, identify and challenge paradigms related to health and healing, and facilitate changes in behavior that lead to more effective patient-practitioner collaborative relationships and improve patient health and outcomes. Within the APTA Vision Statement for Physical Therapy 2020 is language that proposes physical therapists as the practitioner of choice in wellness. Combined with the Service-Learning Component, the goal is to establish a foundation of knowledge and experience designed to enhance the role of physical therapists as health care providers in the realm of health promotion and wellness-centered care for individuals and communities, as a complement to their role in the more traditional realm of restorative care. In addition to classroom discussion and learning, students also design and participate in service-learning projects with community partners, organized through the Community Engagement Center here at Simmons. This experience provides students with the opportunity to apply health promotion/wellness concepts, theories, philosophies, and research to help meet the health needs and missions of various populations and community organizations, respectively.



