Course Catalog

NURS 454GR Leadership and Management in the Clinical Setting

As a capstone nursing class, this course focuses on the leadership and management role of the nurse in a precepted, direct clinical experience. The course assists students to become effective organizational members as they assume responsibility in a professional role in a field-based internship. Weekly seminars offer self-actualization, independent learning, self-direction and understanding of group interaction in the teaching-learning process. Students are expected to evolve as nursing professionals as they begin their transition to future employees and future managers. The course explores leadership and management theory, critical thinking, nursing concepts, and personal/professional development within the clinical experience and a written project. Clinical Seminars are designed to increase knowledge and understanding of visionary leadership, management, communication, strategies for delegation, conflict resolution, and quality control while in direct clinical practice. Application of this content should be reflective of previous and current clinical and classroom experiences.



