Course Catalog

DPT 672 Frameworks of Physical Therapy: Musculoskeletal I

Students learn and apply anatomy, physiology, epidemiology, and pathology as they explore the issues of disease risk and prevention, as well as medical, surgical, pharmacological, psychological and physical therapies in the management of individuals with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. This semester includes tutorials, lecture, laboratory, and integrated clinical experiences. The core foundations for practice are blended into each tutorial case. Issues related the care of patients of all ages are explored and discussed. Emphasis is on history taking, system review, physical therapy examination, diagnosis, prognosis, evaluation, and development of a physical therapy plan of care. Further emphasis includes evidence-based physical therapy prevention and intervention of acute and chronic patient problems. Students are also introduced to a disablement model used to understand the progression from disease to disability. Students also practice clinical decision-making, professional communication and documentation.



