Course Catalog

MGMT 290 Spec Top: Wide World of Sports

Covers current trends in management and other topics of interest that are not a part of other course offerings. Past topics have included planning and modeling, business and human rights, health care management systems, direct marketing, e-marketing, international finance, corporate ethics, and accountability. May count as an elective for one or more majors depending on content. Fall 2018: The Wide World of Sports is a unique and innovative course designed to introduce students to the complexities of the sports industry and of sports in society from a variety of perspectives. Faculty from a diverse array of academic departments at Simmons will challenge students to analyze problems and issues in sports through an interdisciplinary lens. Students will develop critical thinking, communication and leadership skills in the course, augmented by guest speakers who are experts in fields related to sports medicine, media and management. The content and concepts include sports marketing and communications; sports nutrition and psychology; gender, racial and social justice issues in sports; history of sports in society and culture; big data and ethics in sports; and careers and emerging issues in sports.



Cross Listed Courses

GSM 538