IW4960 Advanced Information Warfare Systems

The characteristics and performance of modern Electronic Warfare Systems are discussed. Course topics include: the Advanced Radar Threat, Architecture and Technology of EA systems, EA against modern radar systems, Noise and DECM EA systems, DDS and DRFMs, characteristics of modern ES systems, Expendables and Towed Decoys, Directed Energy systems and Stealth principles.


EO4612 or consent of the instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Statement Of Course Objectives


Course Learning Outcomes

Students completing this course will:

·      Understand the operational divisions of Electronic Warfare (EW).

·      Categorize military equipment and systems according to their role in EW.

·      Explain elements of threats to radar operations in searching, tracking, fire control, and other applications.

·      Explain elements of threats to communications systems.

·      Explain principles of electronic attack.

·      Understand concepts of directed energy weapons systems, stealth and current advanced technologies.