EC2440 Introduction to Scientific Programming

This course offers an introduction to computer system operations and program development using NPS computer facilities. The main goal of the course is to provide an overview of different structured programming techniques, along with introduction to MATLAB/Simulink/GUIDE and to use modeling as a tool for scientific and engineering applications. The course discusses the accuracy of digital computations, ways to incorporate symbolic computations, and presents numerical methods in MATLAB functions. AE2440, EC2440, and SE2440 are the same course.


Knowledge of single variable calculus and matrix algebra.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

·       The student will be able to use the interactive and graphics capabilities of MATLAB to aid in the solution of basic engineering problems.

·       Understand control flow and program execution to create MATLAB scripts.

·       Have a basic understanding of the use and limitations of numerical methods available to solve basic engineering problems.