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Communication (B.A.) 3+3 Partnership with Catholic University Law School

Marymount has a direct-entry affiliation agreement with Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law. This enables qualified third-year Marymount students in designated majors to be admitted to the first year of law school during their senior year at Marymount. Communication students who are interested in direct entry to the Columbus School of Law after their junior year at Marymount should discuss the 3+3 partnership with their major advisor as soon as they become interested. The advisor will guide students through the selection of Marymount courses and refer them to the Office of Admissions of the Columbus School of Law as potential applicants. Qualified students may receive credit from both Marymount and Catholic University for a maximum of 29 credits taken at the Columbus School of Law. For more information and details on eligibility, please see Pre-Law Studies and Advising.

Sample Degree Plan — Communication 3+3 Partnership with Catholic University Law School

Please note that this is a sample plan; all students should consult with an advisor in making course selections. Students can fulfill the Global Perspective (GP) requirement through their Liberal Arts Core Social Science (SS-1, SS-2) and/or advanced PH or TRS courses. COMM 403 Communication Law will substitute for COMM 400 Internship, and the Experiential Learning (EXP) requirement will be met through the CUA law courses and the second-year law school clerkship. 

Year One — Fall

COMM 100Introduction to Media Communication


EN 101Composition I *


Introductory Social Science (SS-1) core course *


MA Mathematics (MT) core course *


CNCT 100Connections *


One (1) elective


EN 101: WR core course

Year One — Spring

COMM 101Public Speaking


COMM 206Introduction to Public Relations


EN 102Composition II *


TRS 100Theological Inquiry *


Natural Science (NS) core course with lab *


EN 102: WR core course

TRS 100: TRS-1 core course

Year Two — Fall

COMM 209Contemporary Journalism *


One (1) communication digital media course

HI Introductory History (HI-1) core course *


EN Introductory Literature (LT-1) core course *


Introductory Social Science (SS-1) core course in a second discipline *


COMM 209: DSINQ and WI core course

Year Two — Spring

One (1) communication digital media course

One (1) communication elective - WI

PH 100Introduction to Philosophy *


Advanced Theology/Religious Studies (TRS-2) or Theological Ethics (TRS-E) core course *


Introductory Social Science (SS-1) in a third discipline or Second Natural Science (NS) core course *


PH 100: PH-1 core course

Year Three — Fall

COMM 403Principles of Communication Law


Two (2) communication major electives

Fine Arts (FNA), Advanced History (HI-2), or Advanced Literature (LT-2) core course (Advanced History recommended) *


PH Advanced Philosophy (PH-2) or Philosophical Ethics (PH-E) core course *


COMM 403: substitute for COMM 400

It is recommended that students fulfill their third WI course with a PH-2, PH-E, or HI-2 core course.

Year Three — Spring

COMM 425Senior Seminar in Communication *


Two (2) communication major electives

Advanced Social Science (SS-2) core course *


Fine Arts (FNA), Advanced Literature (LT-2), or Advanced History (HI-2) core course *


COMM 425: DSINQ core course

It is recommended that students fulfill their third DSINQ requirement with a COMM major elective.

Year Four — Fall (classes to be completed at Columbus School of Law)

Criminal Law (substitute for major elective)

Civil Procedure (yearlong course split over fall and spring — substitute for major elective)

Lawyering Skills (yearlong course split over fall and spring — substitute for elective)

Contracts (yearlong course split over fall and spring — substitute for elective)

Year Four — Spring (classes to be completed at Columbus School of Law)

Contracts (yearlong course split over fall and spring)

Lawyering Skills (yearlong course split over fall and spring)

Civil Procedure (yearlong course split over fall and spring)

Property (substitute for elective)

Torts (substitute for elective)

Constitutional Law (substitute for elective)

* Fulfills Liberal Arts Core/University Requirements. See University Requirements and the Liberal Arts Core and the Course Descriptions for further information.