2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog

Theatre Conservatory

VE 409; (908) 737-4420

Coordinator, Holly Logue

The Theatre program offers students the knowledge, skills, and critical perspectives necessary for building a strong foundation for a lifelong engagement with their art and their world.

Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre, Kean University’s Theatre program mirrors the university’s mission to provide a core educational foundation based on the liberal arts. The Theatre program offers BA and BFA degree programs, constructed to make and teach theatre that celebrates the human condition and spirit. Our performance series provides quality, applied experiences that service the university and the surrounding community. During four years at Kean, students have the opportunity to explore and develop their potential as actors, educators, directors, stage managers, designers, technicians, administrators, and playwrights and to develop the skills to pursue work in professional theatre and graduate school, or apply skills to a variety of professions both inside and outside the theatre. To this end, all theatre majors pursue coursework not only in theatre but also in the social and natural sciences, literature, technology, communications, and other areas of human experience. The study of theatre at Kean is enhanced by a partnership with Premiere Stages, an AEA company in residence, and proximity to New York, allowing frequent guest artists.

In support of the above statements, we have developed specific student learning outcomes for the Theatre program, attainable via coursework, mentorship, and participation in the theatre production series:

SLO 1: Identify and articulate humanistic values and cultural diversity found in the study of theatre, represented by knowledge of the history, socio-cultural traditions, and literary richness. [KU1, KU2, KU4, GEK3, GEK4, GES3, GES4, GES5, GEV4]

SLO 2: Demonstrate oral, written, and graphic communication skills as appropriate to theatre [KU1, KU4, GEK1, GEK3, GEK4, GES1, GES3, GES4, GES5]

SLO 3: Exhibit analytical, critical, creative thinking/ability and supportive research techniques [KU1, KU4, GEK1, GEK3, GEK4, GES1, GES3, GES4, GES5]

SLO 4: Synthesize theatrical elements in class projects, production, and performance [KU1, KU2, KU3, KU4, GEK1, GEK4, GES1, GES2, GES3, GES4, GES5, GEV1]

SLO 5: Demonstrate competence in the major area of theatrical specialization by producing theatrical work [KU 1, 2, 3, 4, K4, GES1, GES2, GES3, GES4, GES5, GEV1, GEV4, GEV5]

SLO 6: Articulate a coherent set of artistic/intellectual goals [KU 1, 2, 3, 4, K4, GES1, GES2, GES3, SGE4, GES5, GEV1, GEV4, GEV5]

Linked to the academic core of the Theatre program is the applied production program of fully mounted theatre performances, which serve as an indispensable laboratory for both the core liberal studies and the intensive professional studies of our major curriculum.

The production program is based on five primary goals:

  1. Create for theatre students a pre-professional laboratory, in which to test and experiment with the practical and theoretical artistic skills and precepts that emanate from the academic curriculum under the guidance of professional faculty and visiting artists.
  2. Enhance the cultural life of the university community through the presentation of the best theatre possible – in particular, a season of theatre balanced between that which is not readily available in the commercial sphere with those productions that are likely to have box office appeal – to audiences of all ages, but serving, primarily, the adult theatergoer (i.e. students and the community).
  3. Provide theatre majors, during the course of four-year rolling cycles, with as wide a range as possible of dramatic literature from various cultures and periods, including the presentation of new scripts, presented in a variety of theatrical modes.
  4. Introduce students to the profession by co-producing work with the Kean’s resident professional production group, Premiere Stages, providing students access to and interaction with AEA professionals.
  5. Provide the appropriate production opportunities and facilities for the creative process.

The Theatre program also offers minors in Theatre and in Dance. The Dance Minor is designed to develop the skills of both the pre-professional and the beginner by providing a strong foundation in Modern, Jazz, and Ballet Techniques and Theory. Students can design their minor program to focus on the pursuit of a career in performance and/or education.

NOTE: An audition or portfolio presentation and an interview for admission to the Theatre program, as well as periodic assessment reviews are required of all Theatre majors. All theatre majors are required to participate in the Kean University Theatre Series productions.