2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog

School for Global Education and Innovation

The School for Global Education and Innovation offers courses that explore culture, civilization, grammar, history, literature, and related areas of study that provide an excellent background for additional language acquisition, advanced professional study, and various careers. The Department has majors in Spanish, Spanish with a Teacher Certification Option and in Early Childhood. It also has minors in Spanish, Chinese Studies and French Studies. In addition, the Spanish programs prepare students for postgraduate degrees in the Graduate School of Education: M.A. in Instruction and Curriculum, with two options: 1) World Languages-Spanish, and 2) Classroom Instruction: Teacher Certification, World Languages-Spanish.

The Early Childhood and Family Studies program is based on well-researched theories of child development and reflects the position document on Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs, adopted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC, 2009).

In addition to programs in Chinese, French and Spanish, the Department offers language courses in Italian, German, Greek, Hebrew, and Portuguese. Furthermore, it offers courses on literature, film, and civilization and culture that are taught in English. Please note that these courses are designated by the letters FL in this catalog. To support instruction on campus, the Department houses a multimedia language laboratory.

Two sequential courses-six semester hours-of one foreign language (at the introductory or intermediate levels with the second course bearing a higher number than the first) must be successfully completed to receive credit toward the General Education Disciplinary Requirement for Foreign Languages. Acceptable sequences include the following: 1101, 1102; 1102, 2101; 2101, 2102. All substitutions must be approved officially by the School for Global Education and Innovation prior to registration.

For non-General Education purposes, students may take one 3-credit course, without the continuing course, and apply the credits to the following categories: Free Electives, Collateral, Concentration, Minor, Cognates, or Major.

For information regarding College/program mission and student learning outcomes please see http://www.kean.edu/academics/college-education/collegeprogram-mission-and-slos