Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.
A. Understand the different Dimensions of Quality
B. Exposed to the common quality management doctrines and leaders of those movements (Deming, Juran, Crosby, TQM)
C. Understand the 4 categories associated with cost of quality
D. Six Sigma – DMAIC or DMADV
E. Root Cause Analysis Tools (5Whys, FMEA, Fishbone Diagrams, etc.)
F. Basic Excel Training
G. Basic Quality Tools (Box and Whisker, Pareto Chart, Check Sheets, Histograms, Control Charts, Histograms, Scatter Plots)
H. Difference between Accuracy and Precision
I. CAPA and Deming Cycle (PDCA)
J. Mistake Proofing techniques
K. Risk Management techniques
L. 7 Management and Planning Tools (Affinity Diagrams, Interrelationship Digraph, Tree Diagrams, Matrix Diagrams, PDPC, Arrow Diagrams,