AUTB 150 Introduction to Collision Repair Safety
The orientation and application of tool safety, shop practices, and shop equipment theories. Industry needs and standards will be addressed. Students will gain knowledge of proper use of equipment, tools, and safety that meet or exceed industry standards.
AUTB 150Introduction to Collision Repair Safety
Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.
I. General Information
Trades and Industry
II. Course Specification
Course Type
Program Requirement
Credit Hours Narrative
2 Credits
Semester Contact Hours Lecture
Semester Contact Hours Lab
Grading Method
Letter grade
III. Catalog Course Description
The orientation and application of tool safety, shop practices, and shop equipment theories. Industry needs and standards will be addressed. Students will gain knowledge of proper use of equipment, tools, and safety that meet or exceed industry standards.
IV. Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Describe general shop safety rules and procedures (ie, safety test)
- Utilize safe procedures for handling of tools and equipment
- Identify and use proper placement of floor jacks and jack stands
- Identify and use proper procedures for safe vehicle lift operation
- Utilize proper ventilation procedures for working within the lab/shop area
- Identify marked safety areas
- Identify the location and the types of fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment
- Demonstrate knowledge of the proceduresfor using fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment
- Identify the location and use of eye wash stations
- Identify the location of the posted evacuation routes
- Comply with the required use of PPE during lab/shop activities
- Identify and wear appropriate clothing for lab/shop activities
- Secure hair and jewelry for lab/shop activities
- Locate and interpret safety data sheets (MSDS, SDS)
V. Topical Outline (Course Content)
Identify, understand, demonstrate, & apply knowledge and skill in:
All assignments: Unless otherwise directed, will be completed by the assigned date.
Quizzes must be completed and graded prior to taking Post-tests.
Post-tests must be completed to receive course credit.
SP2 online safety tests must be completed no later than the second week of class.
Lab assignments as per instructor.
VI. Delivery Methodologies
Required Assignments
WKR01 Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety, and Refinish Safety
FCR01 Fundamentals Of Collision Repair
DAM01 Vehicle Identification, Estimating Systems, And Terminology, modules 1, 2, 3, & 4
Required Exams
CSI Auto Body Tech Classroom and Lab Protocols and Safety Requirements, I-Car Performance evaluations, ASE/NATEF Task list
Required Text
SP2, SDS sheets, Service Information, Collision Estimating Guides, Color books & Colornet data base, Dimensional data sheets, Mitchell Collision Estimating Reference Guide Etc.
Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements
WKR01 Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety, and Refinish Safety
FCR01 Fundamentals Of Collision Repair
DAM01 Vehicle Identification, Estimating Systems, And Terminology, modules 1, 2, 3, & 4
CSI Auto Body Tech Classroom and Lab Protocols and Safety Requirements, I-Car Performance evaluations, ASE/NATEF Task list