MATH 152 Elementary Statistics Prep

This course provides additional instruction for Math 153 Elementary Statistics by covering these alebra-based probability and statistics preparatory topics: performing operations, evaluating expressions, identifying variables in context, understanding graphical displays of data, evaluatin formulas, understanding linear models, and using a graphing calculator to perform statistical calculations. The course will also provide additional instructor support in understanding concepts, completing homework, and preparing for exams in Math 153, As well as strategies for success in a college math course.


2.00 Credits

MATH 152Elementary Statistics Prep

Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.

I. General Information


II. Course Specification

Credit Hours Narrative

2.00 Credits

III. Catalog Course Description

This course provides additional instruction for Math 153 Elementary Statistics by covering these alebra-based probability and statistics preparatory topics: performing operations, evaluating expressions, identifying variables in context, understanding graphical displays of data, evaluatin formulas, understanding linear models, and using a graphing calculator to perform statistical calculations. The course will also provide additional instructor support in understanding concepts, completing homework, and preparing for exams in Math 153, As well as strategies for success in a college math course.

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

V. Topical Outline (Course Content)

VI. Delivery Methodologies