Gender Studies Specialization

Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary specialization that encompasses multiple disciplines and methods of inquiry. This specialization encourages students to examine gender and sexuality and their intersection with other forms of identity. Students must complete a total of 15 credits of courses within the Gender Studies specialization, including at least three credits in the Humanities and Fine Arts, as well as at least three in the Social Sciences and History.


15 credits

Complete 15 credits from three different departments.
ARH-340Gender in Modern and Contemporary Art

3 credits

ATH-308Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective

3 credits

COM-250Criticism as Praxis

3 credits

COM-320Communicating Gender and Sexuality

3 credits

COM-360Topics in the Philosophy of Communication

3 credits

HIS-356The Body in History

3 credits

HIS-388Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Latin America

3 credits

MUS-208Music, Gender, and Sexuality

3 credits

PHI-309Feminist Philosophy

3 credits

PSY-128Gender and Sexuality

3 credits

SOC-320Family Sociology

3 credits

SOC-361Intersections of Race, Ethnicity and Gender

3 credits

SPA-414Gender and Sexuality Studies in the Spanish-Speaking World

3 credits


After completing the specialization in Gender Studies, students will be able to:

1.  Understand that gender and sexuality is a complex and multifaceted social phenomena;

2.  Explain how the study of gender and sexuality connect with several different disciplines;

3.  Analyze social phenomena using a lens of gender and/or sexuality; and

4.  Create knowledge about gender and sexuality from different disciplinary perspectives.