2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog > Academic Departments and Programs > Psychology > Psychology Major
3 credits
1 credit
Psychology majors are encouraged to complete PSY-395 in their junior year.
6 credits
The Upper-Division Elective requirement excludes independent study courses.
Complete one senior project course.
1-6 credits
5 credits
A minimum of 2 credits is required for Internship as a senior project.
Upon successful completion of this major, students will be able to:
1) Engage in scientific inquiry and critical thinking through psychological research;
2) Describe key concepts, themes, and applications of psychology's content domains;
3) Demonstrate effective writing and presentation skills;
4) Practice ethical and social responsibility to evaluate psychological phenomena in a diverse world; and
5) Demonstrate teamwork and self-regulation capacities that support using psychological skills to sustain growth during college and beyond.