Health Promotion Minor


Minor Requirements

16 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

BIO-102Biology of Human Disease

3 credits

BIO-102LBiology of Human Disease Lab

1 credit


HHP-110Introduction to Exercise Science

3 credits

HHP-110LIntroduction to Exercise Science Lab

1 credit


HHP-203Human Health and Wellness

3 credits


MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits


Complete 6 credits from the following:

HHP-244Care and Prevention of Injury

3 credits

HHP-314Research Methods in Human Performance and Health Sciences

3 credits

HHP-317Drug Use and Abuse

3 credits

HHP-318Applied Nutrition

3 credits

HHP-496Collaborative Research

1-3 credits


1-6 credits

Note that special topics courses HHP-299T or HHP-499T will also count towards the elective.  


Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:

1) Recognize the role of scientific inquiry and scientific knowledge in developing exercise recommendations to prevent chronic diseases;

2) Apply scientific reasoning towards how physical activity contributes to improved health;

3) Demonstrate the ability to use the mathematical and computational approaches common in studies of health promotion; and

4) Describe the key factors important in a wellness-oriented lifestyle as a basis for personal choice.