Marketing and Digital Media


Marketing and Digital Media (51 credits)

Students pursuing a Marketing and Digital Media (MDM) major complete a Core plus twelve credits in a disciplinary focus. A focus of concentration is available in either Business or Art History. The MDM Core (39 credits) introduces essential concepts in business, marketing and a variety of visual digital communication areas.

The MDM major provides a combination of business and digital media courses focused on an emerging area within the field of marketing. The courses in this major meet the rapidly shifting digital landscape in today's internet driven world. This is an interdisciplinary major fulfilling requirements for the Professional Studies & Enhancements (PSE) and Humanities & Fine Arts (HFA) areas within PEAK.

Business & Accounting 21 credits

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits


ACC-221Financial Accounting

3 credits

BUS-100Introduction to Business

3 credits

ECN-200Principles of Economics

3 credits

BUS-360Principles of Marketing

3 credits

BUS-469Marketing Strategy

3 credits

BUS-492Business and Accounting Capstone: Junior Year Experience

1 credit


1-6 credits

A minimum of 2 credits of Internship (BUS-497) is required.

Art and Digital Media 18 credits

ART-107Digital Imaging

3 credits

ART-108Introduction to Web Design

3 credits

ART-130Introduction to Design

3 credits

ART-281Graphic Design

3 credits

ART-207Digital Video

3 credits

ART-321Visual Communication Advanced Studio

3 credits

Required Area of Concentration

12 credits - select 1 area of concentration

Business Concentration - (select 4 courses) 12 credits

BUS-200Small Business Management

3 credits

BUS-340International Business

3 credits

BUS-366Marketing Communication

3 credits

BUS-391Legal Environment

3 credits

BUS-460Social Media Marketing

3 credits

BUS-466Consumer Behavior

3 credits

Other BUS/ACC 300 - 400 level courses approved by department director.

Art History Concentration - (select 4 courses) 12 credits

ART-324Picasso and 20th Century Art

3 credits

ART-325Art of the Romantic Era

3 credits

ART-326Rembrandt and 17th Century Dutch Art

3 credits

ART-341Modern Art: 1850-1940

3 credits

ART-342Modern Art After 1940

3 credits

ART-351Auguste Rodin and Modern Sculpture

3 credits

ART-355Medieval Art History

3 credits

ART-356History, Literature, and Art of the Italian Renaissance

3 credits

Other ART 300 - 400 level courses approved by department chair

Total Credit Hours: 51