Example 1: A student is scheduled to complete four courses which span over the entire payment period. The student begins attendance in all courses, but ceases to attend all courses one at a time. The student ceased attending all courses by the fourth week of the payment period. The student is a withdrawal because he/she ceased to attend all courses he/she was scheduled to attend before the 60 percent point of the term.
Example 2: A student is scheduled to complete two courses in each of the first two of three modules within a payment period. The student begins attendance in both courses in the first module, but ceases to attend both courses after just a few days and does not confirm that he/she will return to any courses in modules two or three. The student is a withdrawal because he/she ceased to attend courses he/she was scheduled to attend before the 60 percent point of the term.
Example 3: A student is scheduled to complete three courses which span over the entire payment period. The student begins attendance in all courses, but ceases to attend all courses two weeks before the payment period ended. The student is a withdrawal because he/she ceased to attend all he/she was scheduled to attend, but will not be responsible for returning Title IV funds because he/she ceased attending after the 60 percent point of the term.