2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

EDEC 106 Introduction to Infant/Toddler Development and Infant Mental Health: Foundations for Home Visiting and Early Care and Education

This course is an introduction to infant/toddler development and the field of Infant Mental Health with special focus on the contexts of Home Visiting and Early Care and Education. Candidates learn about infant and toddler development and the central role of primary caregiving relationships in supporting this development. The course weaves together theory and research along with the development of candidates’ own observation and reflection skills. Students will, throughout the course, be conducting assigned observations and reflections at their field placement sites in order to strengthen their own practices. T




Declared major in Early Childhood Studies and Infant/Toddler Mental Health


Must be taken with EDEC 102 or EDEC 104 or EDEC 203 or EDEC 206


  • Fall and Spring
  • Summer