2020-2021 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

SOC 461 Intimacy and Aging

No credit will be given to students with credit in WGSS 461. This course examines the variety of intimate and sexual relationships of older adults as well as a broad range of issues related to sexuality and aging in a social, historical and political context. Emphasis is placed on understanding the type, nature, content, and meaning of relationships, as well as on identifying contextual factors including gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, and health status that structure these relationships. May be taken for graduate credit. Additional work required for graduate students.



Cross Listed Courses

No credit will be given to students with credit in SOC 461. This course examines the variety of intimate and sexual relationships of older adults as well as a broad range of issues related to sexuality and aging in a social, historical and political context. Emphasis is placed on understanding the type, nature, content, and meaning of relationships, as well as on identifying contextual factors including gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, and health status that structure these relationships. May be taken for graduate credit. Additional work required for graduate students.


SOC 110 or SOC 111 or GERO 101 or permission of instructor, or admission to Gerontology Certificate Program


  • Spring