2017-2018 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

EDEC 101 Introduction to Early Childhood Studies

This course focuses on the foundational and theoretical underpinnings of the social and emotional development of infant/toddler to early childhood from birth through five. It is built around The Teaching Pyramid for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infant/Toddler and Young Children, which addresses promotion, prevention and intervention strategies and effective practices related to infant/toddler and young children’s social and emotional development and challenging behavior. At end of the course candidates should be able to identify developmentally appropriate practices in different types of programs that develop and promote young children’s social, emotional and mental development. A combined total of 45 hours of fieldwork in EDEC 101, EDEC 102 and EDEC 105. CT law requires fingerprinting and a criminal background check for the field experiences in this class. Fingerprinting must be completed prior to the beginning of class.




Declared major in Early Childhood Studies and Infant/Toddler Mental Health program. Taken concurrently with EDEC 102 and EDEC 105. Candidates also must complete IT Module 1.


  • Fall