Recording Lectures

Students must obtain permission from the instructor before recording lectures or other course activities. All recordings are for personal-study use only and may not be shared by copying or posting to a site available to other individuals, even if those individuals are students of the University. If given permission to record, students must delete all recordings no later than the end of the day on which grades are available for the quarter during which the recording was made.

In some cases a dean or department chair may request permission from the instructor to record lectures or other course activities.

Video Recording and Privacy Policy

Instructors may choose to record course lecture sessions; however, they are not required to record their lectures. The recording will capture the presenter's audio, video, and computer screen. Student's audio and video will be recorded if they share their computer audio and video during the recorded session. The recordings will only be accessible to students enrolled in the course to review materials. These recordings will not be shared with or accessible to the public.

The use or requirement of cameras during class time is the choice of the faculty teaching the course. Faculty can require that students in online sessions have their cameras on during the class time. If the instructor requires cameras, and a student has a valid reason why they are unable to comply, they should contact their instructor before the next course date. The faculty will determine any exceptions. Exceptions are not guaranteed.

Students are prohibited from recording lectures with the exception of students with approved, on-file ADA accommodation. Please see the policy manual for additional information. Any student found to be recording or sharing recordings will face disciplinary action, including meeting with the instructor, school dean, and dean of students. Bastyr prohibits sharing any Bastyr content, including videos, handouts, and PowerPoints, to any social media platform. Students found to have uploaded content to social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other platforms are subject to disciplinary action.

Recording of online sessions

The University protects the privacy of faculty, students, and staff while working or participating in academic programs. The use of remote delivery software and technologies heightens the criticality of privacy and the need to use the least invasive means of engaging in these alternative methods of conducting our activities. Existing laws and policies that address privacy remain in effect.

All faculty, staff, and students must follow these requirements:

  • Video or audio recording of a lecture by the instructor is permitted, with advance notice to students. No instructor is required to record their lectures.
    • Students in a class are prohibited from recording lectures and screen capturing content. The exception to this is students with explicit ADA accommodation to allow recording, on file with Student Access and Accommodations office.
    • Recordings that are personally identifiable to students (e.g., have a student's image or an audio question) are educational records and subject to FERPA protections.
    • No clinic shift is allowed to be recorded even with instructor approval. Anyone found to have recorded a clinic shift will face disciplinary action, including meeting with the instructor, school dean, and dean of students.
    • Students are prohibited from screen capturing or recording any course content and uploading or using Bastyr course content, including lectures, videos, and handouts on any social media platform.
  • Video or audio recording (including taping, recording, photographing, screen capture, or other capture methods) for purposes other than instruction is prohibited absent a strong rationale, and only if the host provides advance notice.
  • The use or requirement of cameras/video during class time is the choice of the faculty teaching the course. Faculty can require that students in online sessions have their video on during class time. If an instructor requires video, and a student has a valid reason why they are unable to comply, they should contact their instructor before the next course date. The faculty will determine any exceptions. Exceptions are not guaranteed.
  • During video conferencing, a chat function permits participants to ask questions and engage in dialogue as the class or meeting proceeds. Recording (including photographing, screen capture, or other copying methods of chat exchanges) is prohibited by everyone except the instructor or meeting chair when advance notice is provided.
  • Online advising can occur via chat, audio, or video conferencing using approved software tools or by phone. Sessions should not be recorded; rather, the advisor should log notes in the customary fashion.

Lectures and meetings should be held using the primary approved platform of Bastyr University. Please view the course technology requirements for a list of approved software tools for remote, live, and recorded academic sessions and meetings.

Syllabus Wording

Faculty must notify students in the course syllabi when:

  • class sessions may be recorded.
  • the use of cameras during class time is required.

An example of the syllabus statement is below. This can be adjusted to fit the needs of the instructor or course:

These lectures sessions may be recorded. The recordings will only be accessible to Bastyr students, staff and faculty. These recordings will not be shared with or accessible to the public.

This course requires the use of cameras/video during class time. All students are required to have a working camera and use the video function during course time. If you need an exemption to this, you must contact the instructor before the class time. Exceptions are the decision of the faculty and are not guaranteed.

ADA Accommodation and Recording

ADA accommodation recordings are for personal-study use only and may not be shared by copying or posting to a site available to other individuals, even if those individuals are students of the University.

Recordings must be deleted no later than the end of the day on which grades are available for the quarter during which the recording was made. Sharing of recording by anyone besides the instructor is prohibited.

Student Sharing of Recording

The University respects and supports its faculty members' intellectual property rights and the privacy of its staff, faculty, and students. For further explanation, see the University Intellectual Property Policy.   

Any student found to be recording or sharing recordings will face disciplinary action, including meeting with the instructor, school dean, and dean of students. Bastyr prohibits sharing any Bastyr content, including videos, handouts, and PowerPoints, to any social media platform. Students found to have uploaded content to social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other platforms are subject to disciplinary action.