2021-2022 Tuition

Doctoral, Professional, Graduate, Tuition

Students taking fewer than 12 credits  $776 per credit
Students taking 12-16 credits $9,190 per quarter
Students taking more than 16 credits $9,190 + $368 per credit for each credit over 16
Dietetic Internship $878 per credit
Part-time certificate programs with fewer than 12 credits per quarter  $641 per credit

Undergraduate Tuition

Students taking fewer than 12 credits $776 per credit
Students taking 12-16 credits $9,190 per quarter
Students taking more than 16 credits $9,190 + $440 per credit for each credit over 16

MAc/MAcCHM/DAc Tuition

Students taking fewer than 12 credits $653 per credit
Students taking 12-16 credits $7,734 per quarter
Students taking more than 16 credits  $7,734 + $300 per credit for each credit over 16 

For all students

One credit of tuition is charged per quarter enrolled in 0 credit continuation courses i.e., capstone, clinic, master project, practicum, preceptorship and thesis. 

Audit                                         $300/credit
Audit for courses outside the region           $400/credit

Due to the unique nature of summer quarter, summer rates vary from those listed above. Rates for the 2022 summer quarter have been tentatively set at $621 per credit for 1-16 credits, $368 for each credit over 16 for graduate/professional students and $440 for each credit over 16 for undergraduate students.

Tuition is increased annually to adjust for program growth and inflation. Tuition is payable on or before the first day of classes each quarter. Tuition can be paid online at www.bastyr.edu-pay-tuition, by mail or in the student accounts office. A signed promissory note is required dividing the payment up equally over three months, if for any reason a payment cannot be made by the due date, or if financial aid will be disbursed after the due date. A deferment fee is assessed for late tuition payments unless a waiver is obtained from the financial aid office or the assistant controller. Interest is charged at a rate of 1 percent per month on the unpaid balance. If the amount of financial aid pending does not cover the full tuition balance, the total not covered by financial aid is due on the first day of that quarter.

If an account is sent to a collection agency, all collection agency fees, reasonable attorney fees and court costs (if legal action becomes necessary) will be imposed on the student’s tuition balance.