Academic Probation

Notice of Probation

The dean or dean’s designee sends notice of academic probation to the student’s University e-mail address and via U.S. mail to the student’s local mailing address. Notices will be sent no later than close of business on the Friday of the third week of the quarter. The date of the postmark on the envelope and the date stamp of the e-mail serve as the date of notice.

A notice of academic probation should include the following information:

  • A statement that the student has been placed on academic probation
  • The reason(s) that the student has been placed on academic probation
  • A statement of the requirement that the student meet with his/her faculty advisor to develop an academic improvement plan that the student must complete in order to be removed from academic probation
  • A list of the potential consequences for not meeting the requirements outlined in the academic improvement plan

Reasons for Academic Probation

A graduate program student may be placed on academic probation under the following circumstances:

  • The student has not maintained good standing in all programs in which s/he is enrolled.
  • The student’s cumulative GPA falls below program standards. 
  • The student’s GPA for a quarter falls below program standards, even though the student’s cumulative GPA is above that required for graduation.
  • The student earned a grade lower than the minimum required by the school or program in a required course, internship or clinical rotation.
  • The student’s record shows that s/he has failed a course more than once or that the student has a number of incompletes and/or withdrawals that the dean or dean’s designee considers to be of concern.

An undergraduate student may be placed on academic probation under the following circumstances:

  • The student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0.
  • The student’s GPA for the quarter is below that required for graduation, even though the student’s cumulative GPA is above that required for graduation.
  • The student earned a grade lower than the minimum required by the school or program in a required course, internship or clinical rotation.
  • The student’s record shows that s/he has failed a course more than once or that the student has a number of incompletes and/or withdrawals that the dean or dean’s designee considers to be of concern.

Probation and final probation rationale for all acupuncture and East Asian medicine (AEAM) students

Academic Probation

An AEAM graduate program student may be placed on academic probation under the following circumstances:

  • The students cumulative GPA falls below program standards for three quarters.
  • The student has been placed on academic warning for three consecutive quarters.
  • The student has failed two or more courses or clinical rotations.
  • The student’s record shows that she/he has failed a course more than once or that the student has a sufficient number of incompletes and/or withdrawals that the dean or dean’s designee considers to be of concern.

An AEAM doctoral program student may be place on academic probation under the following circumstances:

  • The students’ record shows that s/he has fallen below program standards (AC in all courses) for two quarters.
  • The student has been placed on academic warning for two consecutive quarters.
  • The student’s record shows that s/he has failed to remediate a PC grade in a course within one quarter’s time.
  • The student’s record shows that the student has a number of incompletes and/or withdrawals that the dean or dean’s designee considers to be of concern.

An AEAM student placed on academic probation will be required to meet with the dean or dean’s designee to develop an academic improvement plan that the student must complete in order to be removed from academic probation. The academic plan may require the student to do one or more of the following:

  • Earn a designated minimum grade in all courses while on probation (MSAOM only).
  • Reduce the number of credits taken while on probation.
  • Participate in academic initiatives such as tutorials and workshops aimed at improving study approaches.
  • Obtain permission from the dean or dean’s designee to take incompletes in or withdraw from classes.
  • Fulfill other requirements outlined by the school/program and/or faculty advisor.

An AEAM student is generally placed on academic probation for one quarter. If the dean, dean’s designee and/or Student Progress Committee determine(s) that the student has not satisfied the conditions of the probation, the student will be:

  • given written notice (as outlined above) regarding circumstances for the continuation of probation. 
  • placed on final probation.

The dean or dean’s designee will notify the student each quarter that the student remains on probation, and whenever the student’s academic status has changed.

Final Probation

A graduate program student may be placed on final academic probation under the following circumstances:

  • The student has been placed on Academic Probation for at least one quarter.
  • The student failed to earn a quarterly GPA of >3.0 while on probation.

A doctoral program student may be placed on final academic probation under the following circumstances:

  • The student has been placed on Academic Probation for at least one quarter.
  • The student’s record shows that s/he has failed to remediate a “PC” grade within one quarter/s time.

An AEAM student placed on final probation will be required to meet with the dean or dean’s designee to develop an academic improvement plan that the student must complete in order to be removed from final probation. The academic plan may require the student to do one or more of the following:

  • Earn a designated minimum grade in all courses while on probation (MSAOM only).
  • Reduce the number of credits taken while on probation.
  • Participate in academic initiatives such as tutorials and workshops aimed at improving study approaches.
  • Obtain permission from the dean or dean’s designee to take incompletes in or withdraw from classes.
  • Fulfill other requirements outlined by the school/program and/or faculty advisor.

An AEAM student is generally place on final probation for one quarter. If the dean, dean’s designee and/or Student Progress Committee determine(s) that the student has not satisfied the conditions of the probation, the student will be:

  • given written notice (as outlined above) regarding circumstances for the continuation of final probation
  • placed on suspension or recommended for dismissal

The dean or dean’s designee will notify the student each quarter that the student remains on final probation and whenever the student’s academic status has changed.

Probation rationale for all Midwifery students

A midwifery student is placed on academic probation when the student's enrollment is made conditional contingent on meeting with the faculty advisor to develop an academic improvement plan that the student must complete in order to be removed from academic probation.

When a midwifery student is put on probation, only relevant faculty members (as determined by the department chair) and the Student Progress Committee (SPC) are notified; otherwise, the probation is confidential.

Time parameters and conditions of probation are established by the Student Progress Committee, guided by University requirements stated in this academic status policy and documented in a student’s departmental file. The length of probation is one quarter unless otherwise specified by the Student Progress Committee. During the probationary period, the student retains full rights and responsibilities as a midwifery student, unless indicated otherwise by the conditions of probation.

Reasons for probation include, but are not limited to:

  • a situation for which a warning was issued but the situation was not resolved.
  • receipt of a failing grade or unacceptable evaluation in any course.
  • a total of more than four failures (over the duration of the program) on the first administration of core course exams.
  • a cumulative GPA below 3.0.
  • failure to comply with midwifery requirements, rules and policies.
  • determination by the clinical education supervisor that the student is acting in an unprofessional manner either in a clinical situation or in any situation where the student is misrepresenting him/herself as a midwifery student.
  • behavior that disrupts classroom learning and hampers the educational process of the department or University.
  • failure to successfully pass any section of the Comprehensive Exam or Advanced Clinical Exam according to re-take policies.
  • failure to participate in online or onsite learning activities for a period of 14 calendar days without notification of the course instructor(s) or the department chair. 

If the conditions of probation are satisfactorily resolved, probationary status is discontinued. If the conditions of probation are unresolved after the specified timeframe, the student will be placed on suspension or recommended to the Provost’s office for dismissal.

Conditions during Academic Probation

A student placed on academic probation is required to meet with the associate dean or dean’s designee to develop an academic improvement plan that the student must complete in order to be removed from academic probation. The academic improvement plan may require the student to do one or more of the following:

  • Successfully remediate or repeat courses in which an AC was not achieved 
  • Earn a designated minimum grade in all courses while on probation
  • Reduce the number of credits taken while on probation
  • Suspend coursework in all one-degree programs
  • Participate in academic initiatives such as tutorials and workshops aimed at improving study approaches
  • Obtain permission from the faculty advisor for taking incompletes in or withdrawing from classes
  • Fulfill other requirements outlined by the school/program and/or faculty advisor 

Duration of Academic Probation

A student is generally placed on academic probation for one quarter, unless otherwise determined by the dean, dean’s designee and/or school Student Progress Committee. If, after the duration of the probation period, the dean, dean’s designee and/or Student Progress Committee determine(s) that the student has not satisfied the conditions of the probation, the student will be:

  • given written notice (as outlined above) regarding circumstances for the continuation of probation or reasons for not being reinstated to the status of good academic standing.
  • placed on suspension (see below) or recommended for dismissal (see below).

The dean or dean’s designee will notify the student each quarter that the student remains on probation and whenever the student’s academic status has changed.

Appeal of Probation

A student placed on academic probation may not appeal the decision unless s/he is able to provide specific documentation demonstrating a factual error. The student must submit documentation outlining the factual error(s) and relevance to the probation decision to the dean or dean’s designee within five (5) business days of the postmark date of the notice of probation or continuation of probation. The dean or dean’s designee will respond to the appeal within 10 working days, and his/her decision is final and cannot be appealed.