
The Student Body

Bastyr University students constitute a diverse group of learners. The average age of the 1,210 students enrolled at the University in the fall of 2014 was 30, with a range in age from 18 to 69.

The demographics across various programs are fairly similar. More than four-fifths of the students are women. Almost half of the student body is from the Pacific Northwest, and in fall 2014, all the U.S. states were represented. International students are an important part of the Bastyr community. In 2014-2015, 80 foreign national students, representing 29 countries, were enrolled.

Student Participation

The major focus of student participation is the Bastyr University Student Council. The council determines how student activity fees are spent, appoints students to various committees, represents student interests to the administration and allied professional organizations, and continually seeks to promote the University and meet the needs of students. The Student Council, like the University as a whole, relies upon student participation to create a more effective learning environment. The Student Council’s constitution may be found online at MyBU.

The Student Council hosts numerous events during the year, including a talent show and Bastyr Community Day. The council has made significant contributions to the University, including sponsoring community events, furnishing additional study space, remodeling the movement room and sponsoring the student exercise room, providing remote viewing for classrooms, as well as providing equipment for the library and other University departments.

Each student is required to pay a $25 student council activity fee every quarter. These funds are administered by the Student Council and used to support student activities, organizations, programs and services. With these funds, events like Bastyr Community Day, expansion of the herb garden, and free or partially subsidized concerts, lectures and workshops are made available to students. The funds are also used to purchase equipment for the University for general student body use, such as additional computers for the library, a laptop with LCD projector and video equipment.

The Student Council recognizes official student organizations. For more information and a complete list of current clubs, please visit