Degree and Certificate Requirements

To earn a degree at Bastyr University, a degree candidate must have completed the prescribed curriculum (refer to the specific academic program section), earned passing grades in all required courses and clinic shifts, satisfied the requirement for total degree or certificate credits, and been recommended for graduation by the faculty. To be eligible to graduate with a master’s degree or graduate-level certificate, the candidate must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. A bachelor’s degree candidate must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students in the articulated bachelor’s/master’s AOM degree program must follow the degree requirements of that school.

A student is held to degree requirements in effect at the time of initial matriculation unless legal or accreditation standards mandate a change to an existing degree or certificate program. Those degree and certificate requirements are published in the edition of the Bastyr University Catalog that is in effect at the time of first matriculation. In rare circumstances, a course may be deleted from the required curriculum and/or curriculum substitutions may be made at the discretion of the school or the University.

A student who is readmitted after an absence of more than one calendar year may be held to the requirements in effect at the time of his/her return or may elect to graduate under degree or certificate requirements specified in a subsequent Bastyr University Catalog with written permission of the program dean/chair. Under no circumstances are the requirements from an earlier catalog applied.

Students in the ND and MSAOM programs must complete their degrees within six years. (In extraordinary circumstances, a one-year extension may be approved for ND students.) Students in the MSA, MPH, MS Midwifery and MS nutrition programs must complete their degrees within five years. There is no time limit on the completion of undergraduate programs.

Students in all degree and certificate programs must have discharged satisfactorily all financial obligations to the University (tuition, fees, library fines and all other charges), including the graduation fee, for each program in which a degree or certificate is to be awarded. For students who have not met their financial obligations at the time of graduation, the earned degrees and certificates are posted to their records, but diplomas and official transcripts are held until the financial obligations are cleared.