NM9320 Mind-Body Medicine
This course reviews the theoretical and clinical application of mind-body techniques with emphasis on integration with biofeedback and holistic health care. Not only are a variety of modalities/instrumentation explored and demonstrated (including electromyograph [EMG], electrodermograph [EOG], thermal, heart rate variability and respiration biofeedback), but also several mind-body techniques are introduced (such as breath retraining, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenics, meditation and guided visualization). Students may take advantage of in-class experience with biofeedback monitoring as well as supervised practice in attaching sensors and operating equipment. This course acts to fulfill the classroom requirements necessary to take an Integrated Mind/Body Medicine shift at BCNH. With an additional 20 hours of supervised cases, students are eligible to sit for the BCIA certification exam.
BC3135 or BC5157 or
BC5122L and BC5160