Master of Education, M.Ed.

Program Requirements

Core Courses

EDU 6305Psychosocial Dimensions in Edu

3 Credits

EDU 6364Using Data to Improve Education

3 Credits

Concentration Area Requirements

Students should select one or more of the concentration areas listed below.

Program requirements related to each concentration within the Master of Education:


Coursework and on-site experiences are provided to selected exceptional educational leaders in the field. This concentration leads to a Principal’s Certificate. Candidates must present a passing score on the principal TExES state exam in order to be certified.

EDU 6315Instructional Ldrshp in Public Schools

3 Credits

EDU 6316School Law Administration

3 Credits

EDU 6317Administration of Ec-12 Curriculum

3 Credits

EDU 6319Principal Practicum I

3 Credits

EDU 6321Principal Practicum II

3 Credits

EDU 6342Sp Popula & Programs

3 Credits

EDU 6348Managing Campus Resources

3 Credits

EDU 6362The Principalship

3 Credits

Total Hours Administration Concentration (24)

Requirements for Professional Principal Certification

To be recommended for Professional Principal Certification by Texas Wesleyan University to the State Board of Educator Certification students must:

  1. Be a certified teacher with a minimum 2 years of teaching experience.
  2. Hold a Master’s Degree in Education or related fields from a regionally accredited university.
  3. Complete the 18 credit hours of administration concentration area coursework.
  4. Complete 160 hours of practicum in a Texas Education Association approved school. 
  5. Obtain a score of 80% or higher on an administration certification practice exam.
  6. Apply for certification through Texas Wesleyan University’s Certification Officer.

Curriculum and Instruction with an Emphasis in Urban Education

EDU 6307Emerging Issues in Education

3 Credits

EDU 6315Instructional Ldrshp in Public Schools

3 Credits

EDU 6338Technology Integration and Innovation Ue

3 Credits

EDU 6340Literacy in Urban Education Environments

3 Credits

EDU 6341Addressing Social & Emotional Needs Ue

3 Credits

EDU 6356App Lingistics in the Div Urban Classroo

3 Credits

EDU 6357Cross-Cultural Communications

3 Credits

EDU 6366Leading a Successful Turnaround Culture

3 Credits

Total Hours Curriculum and Instruction with an Emphasis in Urban Education (24)

Reading Specialist and Writing

EDU 6326Writing Institute I

3 Credits

EDU 6327Writing Institute II

3 Credits

RDG 6319Foundations of Rdg

3 Credits

RDG 6320Diag/Rem Rdg Diff

3 Credits

RDG 6324Reading Clinic

3 Credits

RDG 6321Reading & Writing Seminar

3 Credits

RDG 6322Reading Practicum

3 Credits


any 3 graduate hours with approval of the program advisor

3 Credits

and one of the following:

RDG 6345Rdg Content Area-Ele

3 Credits

RDG 6346Rdg Content Area-Secondary

3 Credits

Total Hours Reading Specialist and Writing Concentration (24)

Exit Requirements for Professional Certification:

In addition to the Graduate Comprehensive Examination, the student must complete the following:

  1. A passing score on the TExES 151. Contact the Certification Officer for correct test code.
  2. Application for recommendation completed and returned to the Certification Officer in the School of Education.

Second Language Education and Culture

Selection criteria includes student being accepted into the Texas Wesleyan Graduate Studies in Education programs. If English is the student’s second language, the student must produce a TOEFL score of 570 or better. All students must have access to teaching in an ESL classroom for internship components of the program. The Master of Education in ESL/TESOL program may be completed summer to summer. Candidates for TESOL certificates only may complete the program in two summer sessions.

EDU 6320Culturally Responsive Teching Methods

3 Credits

EDU 6356App Lingistics in the Div Urban Classroo

3 Credits

EDU 6357Cross-Cultural Communications

3 Credits

EDU 6358Improving practice Internship

3 Credits

EDU 6360Language Acquisition

3 Credits

RDG 6320Diag/Rem Rdg Diff

3 Credits


any 6 graduate hours with approval of the program advisor

6 Credits

Total Hours Second Language and Culture Concentration (24)

ESL State Examination

Students who have completed all the Second Language Education and Culture (SLEC) coursework may request approval to take the ESL Endorsement TExES (Test Code 154).

Total Hours (30)