International Studies Minor

Jay Brown, Director

This program is designed to address the university's mission statement by helping students develop themselves to their full potential as individuals and as members of the world community. Student seeking to add a global dimension to their education are encouraged to add the International Studies Minor. When students add the minor to their degree plan, they must also select either the International Relations or Global Studies/Comparative Studies track. All students with the minor are encouraged to seek out appropriate advising for the minor as early as possible.

Minor Requirements

International Studies

IST 2300Introduction to International Studies

3 Credits

take one of the following:

Approved Study Abroad course

IST 4393International Studies Internship

3 Credits


take one of the following:

GEG 2304World Geography

3 Credits

GEG 2305Human Geography

3 Credits

Cultural Studies

take one of the following:

SOC 1302Cultural Anthropology

3 Credits

REL 1321Introduction to Comparative Religions

3 Credits

Choose one of the following three tracks:

International Relations Track

POL 4351International Relations

3 Credits


HIS 4351International Relations

3 Credits

Advanced International Relations

take one of the following:

POL 4316International Organizations

3 Credits

POL 4321International Law

3 Credits

POL 4328International Political Economy

3 Credits

Area Studies

take one of the following:

HIS 4340Modern Latin America

3 Credits

POL 3331European Governments

3 Credits

POL 4324Trial Advocacy & Preparation

3 Credits

POL 4332Asian History & Politics

3 Credits

POL 4355History & Politics of the Middle East

3 Credits

Global Studies/Comparative Studies Track

take three of the following:

(other courses may be approved)

BUA 3345International Business

3 Credits

EDU 3310Multicultural Education

3 Credits

ENG 2327Exploring World Lit

3 Credits

ENG 3322Survey of World Literature

3 Credits

GEG 2304World Geography

3 Credits

GEG 2305Human Geography

3 Credits

IST 2310Comtemp Issues Intl Studies

3 Credits

MCO 4318Intl & Intercultural Communica

3 Credits

POL 4351International Relations

3 Credits

POL 4355History & Politics of the Middle East

3 Credits

PSY 3375Cultural & International Issues in Psych

3 Credits

SPN 3315Hispanic History & Culture

3 Credits

SOC 1302Cultural Anthropology

3 Credits

REL 1321Introduction to Comparative Religions

3 Credits

REL 2321Encountering Asian Traditions

3 Credits

REL 2322Encountering Abrahamic Traditions

3 Credits

GEG 2304, GEG 2305, SOC 1302, REL 1321: if not taken above

POL 4351/HIS 4351 and POL 4355/HIS 4355 are cross-listed course.

History Track

HIS 2303World History Since 1648

3 Credits

Europe/America History

take one of the following:

HIS 3332Hist of Brit Empire

3 Credits

HIS 3361Women in Western World Since 1500

3 Credits

HIS 4322Foreign Policy of the US

3 Credits

HIS 4322/POL 4322 are cross-listed courses.

Global History

take one of the following:

HIS 4323History of Democracy

3 Credits

HIS 4324History of Sub-Saharan Africa

3 Credits

HIS 4340Modern Latin America

3 Credits

HIS 4343History of Mexico

3 Credits

HIS 4355Hist & Pol Mid East

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:21

HIS 4355/POL 4355 are cross-listed courses.

Prerequisites must be met for all courses